Friday, January 3, 2014

A mantra a day keeps the crazy away

Over the summer I started reading positivity books. You know, books on positive thinking. Mantras, hopeful stuff, a la Eat, Pray, Love. One of the ones I stumbled upon was Miranda Kerr's Treasure yourself. Now, I love Miranda; she's one of my favorite VS supermodels (or at least she was, since she doesn't work with them anymore.) But I'm not gonna lie, her parts were a little.... boring. (Sorry Miranda.) 

However, the mantras Kerr included in the back where what really changed me. So many times we are so busy with our lives to remember the simplest of things until they hit us right across the face. Some of the mantras were like that. They filled you with a positive attitude and wisdom that you tend to forget. One of my favorite lines was "I refuse to eat emotional poision." It's such a simple line but it makes you think. You don't have to "eat' emotional poision. You have the right not to. We tend to forget that right a lot however. By just repeating that mantra your outlook has changed. That's the beauty of positive thinking. :) 

I'm thinking of doing a bit of re-reading. At least until I can figure out how to get my hands on her next sequel.

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